Repair Management in Odoo 13

by - April 02, 2020

Odoo the Open ERP includes a repair kit that deals with product manufacture and inventory integrally. When fabricating or storing goods in warehouses for a long time, there may be some form of tear and wear is known. Some of them will have a warranty, so that the damaged parts can be patched or replaced.

Repair is not just for those customers who have purchased the items. When the harm is instantly repaired consumers will be pleased and fulfilled. This will lead the attention of the consumer towards the supplier and therefore increase the trust and the market value.

Repair module is one of the most resilient modules under Odoo which triggers fixing or redesigning works of broken or damaged items. The module takes descriptions of the damaged product and monitors it all through the repair stages. This highlights the odoo repair module features.

Methods of Invoicing The invoicing method is based on whether or not the repair is compensated. If repairs require payment, the invoicing methods decide when to produce the invoice.

The method of invoicing under repair is defined as:
1-No invoice
2-Before repair
3-After repair

No Invoice:
It does not allow any payment for repair and thus invoice in the case of a product providing a guarantee or a free service. Thus form of invoicing 'No invoice' can be used.

Before repair:
Another form of invoicing before maintenance is 'Before maintenance.' In this case, before starting repair it will produce an invoice for the part of the product.

After repair:
After repair the next step of invoicing is after repair. In this case, after completion of the repair process the invoice for the component parts will be produced.

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