Unbuild a Product in odoo 13 Manufacturing

by - March 26, 2020

Odoo 13 Manufacturing


Manufacturing is the process of converting an input into output or the conversion of raw materials into finished goods or products. The manufacturing is so easy to manage with Odoo 13. It can manage the production effectively and efficiently, however basic or complex it may be. The Manufacturing Module is one of the main modules in Odoo 13.

Odoo 13 Manufacturing is so flexible and customizable that it can be used according to a company's production policies and workflow. Because each company has a specific manufacturing process and needs different manufacturing styles for each product.

Unbuild a Product in Odoo Manufacturing

Utilizing the Odoo Manufacturing Module, the end-user can seamlessly unbuild the products. One can unbuild the products that are built by themselves or can unbuild the products that are receive.

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