6 things to remember before doing the ERP implementation

by - March 13, 2019


          Enterprise Resource Planning is a type of integrated software system to manage both internal external resources of the company. Which includes financial assets, physical, material and human resource. The reason behind every organization implementing an ERP system is the support of handling different functions of the organizations into a single environment. Which helps to run the operation efficiently. Before implementing ERP, should be a proper plan needed. Because it is not a simple process. And take some time for better effectiveness.

        The overall business improvement is possible when after the implementation. It takes many steps and stages from start to end. The processes between the start and end are known as ERP implementation life cycle. This life cycle includes a selection of packages, project planning, analysis GAP, re-engineering, training, testing, application and maintenance. Every step has its own processes and fulfils of implementation is only possible by all these steps. It is important to complete these steps with detail in order to run the project successfully.

         Compared to a normal manhandled system, ERP software has a lot of benefits. In the market, the competition of different companies in the same business is noted. Implementing of ERP system takes the company or organization into the top in the market. Efficiency, scalability, integrated information, cost savings, streamlined process, mobility, reporting option, flexibility, customer support and security are some kind of benefits of this implementation. 

So, before implementing we have to remember some things for better working and efficiency.

1. Understanding the core business requirements: If the business needs perfectively matches with selected ERP, then implementation turns productive and successful. That means the understanding of business and business requirement should be noted before implementation. One has to clearly understand the business, then it is easy to choose the right ERP software.

2. Analyze the present to future the best: A clear diagnosis is to made possibilities of future improvements. A draw comparison between the present business process and future requirement provide a clear understanding before implementation. 

3. Resource allocation and their better utilization: Skill of each employee is different compared to another employee. The better understanding of employee’s functional capabilities helps to find out suitable ERP system. Employees business understanding is a well-noted thing during implementation.

4. Choosing the right ERP implementation partner: If business development needs a perfect solution, there is an implementation partner needed. An ERP implementation partner always keeps customer desire. The partner provides your software based on your business requirement with high flexibility. And they also provide customization if you needed and complete customer support.

5. Develop performance metrics for evaluation of the program: During the implementation, cross-checking of every step helps to determine whether you are in the right direction or not. If there is any changes or wrong way in your implementation process, must move to its right path according to the business keys. Constant monitoring is a very important thing.

6. Knowledge transfer and adequate training: When the ERP implementation successfully completed, the next step is to share the working and details of the system with employees. It is mandatory to assure that the employees have sufficient knowledge. The business organization should conduct a training session for employees to utilize the software.

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